WRITTEN BY Ryan Servis
©2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The 2CGaming logos and name and the book name (Epic Legacy Tome of Titans) are protected by copyright and trademark. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of material contained herein is prohibited without the express written permissions of 2CGaming, LLC or its authorized representatives.
AUTHOR Ryan Servis
ARTISTS Ambrose Hoilman (Ancillary Art, Sketches), Daniel Kamarudin (Illustration), BNE Design (Graphic Design, Page Layout)
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CthulhU Master of R ’lyeh
“Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn (in its house in R’lyeh dead Cthulhu waits dreaming).”
Description An alien being beyond mortal comprehension, the malevolent entity known as Cthulhu is an ancient, slumbering force. Lurking in the deepest, darkest depths of the realm’s oceans, the Great Old One waits. From within the sunken city of R’lyeh, Cthulhu dreams of the day it will awake and bring utter annihilation to the mortal world. While its shapes are many and its true form beyond conception, Cthulhu always shares the same notable characteristics when acting in the physical world. Its head resembles an alien octopus, its countless tentacles dripping with ichor and twitching with malevolent intent. These purple protrusions extend in all directions, usurping the laws of nature wherever they manifest. Its corpulent body is both rubbery and scaled, with hands and feet ending in curved claws. Multi-jointed bat-like wings emerge from Cthulhu’s
shoulder blades, mantling its form like a leather cloak when closed. Its very presence fractures the fabric of reality, the boundaries of physical and conscious existence cracking like fragile glass.
Cthulhu in Your Campaign A campaign featuring Cthulhu rarely begins with a mention of its name. Instead, the vile actions of the cult are exposed, leading the characters into a dangerous investigation that grows darker at every turn. As a Lovecraftian monster, the Great Old One should be presented in a context emphasizing cosmic horror, and the material presented in this section reinforces this model.
PROFILE Personality: Enigmatic Ideals: Great Cthulhu is the ruler of an alien race from beyond the stars, whose only purpose is to subjugate worlds in the name of their master. As such, Cthulhu’s mind is unknowable and ancient, bent only on fulfilling this task when cosmic fate has decreed the time is right. Cthulhu’s actions are not born of love, hatred, or any other emotion lesser beings are able to comprehend. At best they can be described as the instincts of a conqueror possessing a natural right to rule, but the truth is undoubtedly far more complex and mysterious. Bonds: Cthulhu is a figure worshipped by fanatics allured by its enigmatic power. While the Great Old One cares nothing for these followers, it still reaps considerable benefits from their adoration. The cult of Cthulhu is an essential tool in rousing the Great Old One from its slumber, performing countless grotesque rituals in the slim hope of awakening Cthulhu. These unfortunate souls include monsters, transformed humanoids, and other countless horrors. Once Cthulhu wakes, these multitudes are unleashed upon the world in an apocalyptic wave, heralding their master’s awakening with bloody carnage.
Flaws: Cthulhu, like the other Great Old Ones, regards most creatures as unworthy of consideration. This hyper fixation on fulfilling cosmic goals leaves Cthulhu blind to the potential of lesser beings. With but a fraction of its power, Cthulhu could annihilate most of its enemies in an instant, but it simply does not care or understand this to be true. This inability to comprehend its enemies has proven to be Cthulhu’s downfall again and again, as intrepid investigators, brave heroes, and learned scholars work tirelessly to ensure the Great Old One never rises. Legend: Before humanoids ever walked the planet, a great race descended from the stars. The herald of their race, an infinitely wise being called Cthulhu, looked upon the land and decided it was fit for conquering. Cthulhu called the seas to quench the world’s molten surface, called the stones forth to make towering structures, and crowned itself ruler of all. For many years Cthulhu reigned from the dreadful city of R’lyeh, but when the stars changed, all was undone. The waters and the earth betrayed Cthulhu, plunging R’lyeh into the boiling seas. Before all was lost, great Cthulhu condemned itself and the people into a deathly sleep. In this sleep, the creatures of R’lyeh are preserved until the stars change once again. And when they change, Cthulhu shall rise to punish the traitorous world and revel with its followers in glory once more.
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Cthulhu is a horrific foe, menacing the world with vile cults, unspeakable monsters, and eldritch magic. Opposing such a force is to face the unknowable, requiring terrific bravery and questionable judgement. With such power comes a sinister presence. The cult of Cthulhu should be everywhere in your campaign, working from the shadows to wake their patron and spread its influence. The characters’ investigations should slowly reveal the full magnitude of what they face and leave them with a single, dire task: to face the Great Old One on the battlefield and return it to slumber. Cthulhu’s exact agenda should be shrouded in mystery throughout the campaign. Few people in the world have any knowledge of the Great Old Ones and their goals. Every clue the party gathers should come with a hefty price and feel more and more like a step away from the safe world they know. This descent into the bizarre and abstract is what forms the heart of cosmic horror.
campaign. The characters must work to foil the cult and their nefarious schemes to prepare for Cthulhu’s inevitable awakening. The odds of success are long and the road ahead dark, but there should always be hope, contrary to the traditional tropes of cosmic horror. Whatever your chosen path, an introduction to a campaign with Cthulhu should be riddled with shiver-inducing eldritch omens and bizarre dreams, making your game table a place of horror and mystery.
CONFLICT Once your players have dipped their toes into the occult lore surrounding Cthulhu, they begin to confront the growing level of strangeness gripping the world. Beyond the humanoid cults that actively seek Cthulhu’s rise, strange monsters start to climb to the surface. Confrontations with aberrations from beyond the stars or below the seas begin to happen in earnest. These actions often have bizarre and arcane consequences. Entire populations are visited by strange nightmares which draw them to the seas or compel them to craft works of art depicting the Great Old One. The very sight of such things pushes communities toward chaos, driving entire populations into panicked dread. Legends whisper of several such cities that disappeared entirely after experiencing a plague of these dreams. When the emissaries of Cthulhu have succeeded in their task to begin awaking the Great Old One, the region of R’lyeh appears to menace the world. This connection might mean that an island rises from the ocean, a great portal opens to another plane of existence, or a ghostly city suddenly appears upon the land. Whatever the source, this is a dire omen that signals Cthulhu’s awakening is nigh. The players need to prepare to face the Great Old One in battle, whether it is a psionic projection or its true form. The entire world hangs in the balance of such a conflict, one the characters should not be expected to survive unscathed.
Author’s Note
INTRODUCTION While Cthulhu has existed since time immemorial, its cult works tirelessly to recruit more followers and perform despicable services in the Great Old One’s name. Inevitably these sinister actions become revealed, presenting a perfect opportunity for characters to dip their toes into fathomless, eldritch horror. The party soon discovers the actions of the cult, who seek to awaken it from slumber through the completion of eldritch rituals that will raise the region of R’lyeh (which contains Cthulhu’s tomb) from the darkest depths of the sea. The specifics of this ritual should form many adventures in your
Oh, Cthulhu, here we are again. Few monsters have continued to grip human imagination the way Cthulhu has over the past decades. Despite Lovecraft’s problematic values and societal evils of bandying about mental health issues, we can’t help but be fascinated with the Great Old Ones who lurk beyond the stars. Herein lies my attempt to bring you a Cthulhu capable of shaking off the traditional rubber-skinned monster mantel and instead bring you a subtle master of terror waiting to collect its due. This design does not rely on the worn-out tropes of “madness” to communicate devastation, focusing instead on the far more relatable emotions of fear and dread. Dungeons & Dragons is often a game about stomping faces to arrive at a sure victory. If that sounds like your kind of game, Cthulhu is likely not the villain for you. Cthulhu can never really die: a battle against an eldritch horror is all about surviving for as long as possible before inevitably breaking in the wake of the cosmic unknown. It is a being of infinite complexity and requires a subtle hand to play. Wield these pages only if you dare.
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Celeste Conowitch
CONCLUSION The final phase of a campaign with Cthulhu is the awakening of the ancient one. Cthulhu’s physical form lies sleeping beyond an impenetrable black door somewhere within R’lyeh. Cthulhu is not a being to simply awaken and roll out of bed. When fate decrees the Great Old One must rise, the entire world shudders at the horror that has befallen it. Terror reigns, the sky is wracked with thunderbolts, and the gods fall silent. Once Cthulhu walks the world, the characters are on the clock. The longer the Great Old One is allowed to wreak havoc, the more it comes into its full power. Once this apotheosis has occurred, Cthulhu is completely invincible, equivalent to a greater deity at minimum but with none of the traditional limitations on such radical power1. At this point there is no hope of victory. How long this ascension takes should fit the needs of your campaign. The party should feel considerable pressure to mount a final assault and be aware that if Cthulhu is not forced back asleep, the black door containing its physical body will open, and the world will be ushered into a new age.
Challenges Cthulhu can pose combat, exploration, or social challenges to characters who interact with it.
EXPLORATION Throughout a campaign featuring Cthulhu, there should be a great deal of emphasis placed on dreams. While Cthulhu slumbers, its unconscious mind reaches out across the boundaries of space and time to mingle with those of mortals. These disturbing visitations are more than just upsetting; they can present unique challenges that must be resolved through the power of wit and cunning rather than combat prowess. Before the characters ever step foot in physical R’lyeh, they are pulled to walk among its crumbling ruins in nightmares. Cthulhu’s magical sway can pull an entire party into a shared dream, where they are forced to confront horrible monsters and dark secrets night after night.
Regional Effects
The plane containing the Cthulhu’s lair is warped by its otherworldly power, which has created the following effects within the plane. When a creature begins a long rest while in the affected y area, Cthulhu can choose to concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell) to share that creature’s dream. When the affected creature finishes its rest, creatures allied to Cthulhu become aware of the target’s exact location for 24 hours.
When a creature begins a long rest while in the affected area, y Cthulhu can choose to alter the dreams of that creature, along with each creature of Cthulhu’s choice within 60 feet of the target. For the duration of the rest, affected creatures experience a deadly challenge in the dream, forcing them
The details of deities and their capabilities are discussed in the 2CGaming supplement the Epic Legacy Campaign Codex.
to attempt a DC 25 group Wisdom (Insight) check. On a failure, affected creatures gain no benefit from the rest and become frightened by Cthulhu and its allies for 24 hours. Once a creature has been affected in this manner, it cannot be affected by it again until 1 week has passed. When a creature allied with Cthulhu begins a long rest, y
it can choose to offer itself fully to the Great Old One’s power. If Cthulhu accepts the offering, over the course of that rest the creature is rapidly transformed into a deep one (see the “Deep One Template” sidebar), completing the metamorphosis at the end of the rest. If an affected creature does not complete the long rest while transforming in this manner, it dies instantly.
If Cthulhu is defeated, these effects are suppressed for a period of 100 years.
Cthulhu’s Lair
Cthulhu sleeps in the sunken city of R’lyeh, the former capital of the Great Old One’s dread empire. From this city, Cthulhu ruled over a confederation of unspeakable horrors best forgotten. When the stars aligned and fate decreed Cthulhu’s time of slumber was nigh, the city of R’lyeh vanished, pulling the Great Old One and its people into a death-like slumber. Now all that remains of this once-thriving metropolis is a sprawl of cyclopean ruins emblazoned with eldritch iconography, waiting for the day it will finally return and usher in a new era of darkness. The buildings of R’lyeh are strangely shaped, displaying architecture only comprehensible to alien intelligence. Simply moving around the towering ruins is likely to damage the psyche as the illogical geometry worms its way through the mind. Among the endless field of spires and labyrinths are sealed tombs. Beyond the black gates of these sarcophagi, thousands of Cthulhu’s servants lie in a trance, dreaming of the time when the stars are right once again and they may emerge. These black gates are impassable, beyond the influence of all but deific effects or by rituals meant to awaken Cthulhu from slumber.
Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Cthulhu can take a lair action to cause one of the following effects. If Cthulhu is using its mythic statistics, it can instead choose to take a mythic action or lair action, but not both. Cthulhu can’t use the same effect twice in a row. Nightmarish voices whispering eldritch knowledge fill a y
60-foot radius centered on a point of Cthulhu’s choice within the lair. Each creature of Cthulhu’s choice in the affected area must succeed on a DC 26 Wisdom saving throw or become unable to hear anything but the voices for 1 minute. At the end of each of its turns, a creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success.
Cthulhu creates a column of utter darkness in a 30-footy radius, 10-mile-high cylinder centered on a point of its choice in the lair. No sense can penetrate the area from either side other than Cthulhu’s blindsight. The column lasts until Cthulhu chooses to dismiss it or uses this option again.
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A creature of Cthulhu’s choice becomes lost in the y
bewildering dimensional space of R’lyeh. A creature lost in this manner has total cover from all creatures other than Cthulhu for as long as it remains within the lair. A creature can use its action to attempt a DC 18 Wisdom ability check, ending the effect on a success.
Exploration Encounters
With a sunken city to explore, an untold number of eldritch cults worshiping its name, and the capacity to influence dreams, Cthulhu provides a campaign with a host of potential exploration encounters. Examples of some of these encounters are detailed here. From the Depths. The modest fishing village of y
Innsmouth is experiencing many strange happenings. Each night horrors from the sea prowl the streets, to what purpose none can say. So long as the townsfolk stay inside, the monsters do not trouble them, but that provides little comfort to the terrified locals. Driving the strange beings away has proven pointless, as they simply return as soon as the threat passes with even greater numbers. The mayor’s request is simple: find what is drawing the “fish monsters” to Innsmouth and remove it. It is rumored an abandoned manor on a nearby hill has been exhibiting strange magical phenomena lately, so that is a good place to start.
The Gate to R’lyeh. A magical portal is discovered y
which will take any who activate it to R’lyeh, the home of Cthulhu, a Great Old One. A team of archaeologists wishes to mount an expedition to the sunken city and would gladly hire a team of heroes for protection and navigation. The payment is not only substantial, but any discoveries would also be credited to the entire team, earning much prestige in the archaeological community. All that is required to activate the portal is a series of eldritch keys, seven in total, which must be tracked down. Thankfully, one has already been found, and its magic points to the next key, which is suspiciously nearby.
Dreamwalker. A mysterious being calling itself the y
Dreamwalker appears in the characters’ dreams. The ethereal figure claims a terrific force is “rising from the depths to drown the world” and that they should seek her in the waking world. However, before they can be told where to find her, a mass of tentacles appears and drags her away screaming. All that can be heard as she pleads for help are two words: Miskatonic University.
SOCIAL Cthulhu is mostly unaware of the lesser beings that populate the world, possessing only impulse to simply destroy them with as much care as one puts toward squashing an ant.
Social Encounters
Cthulhu’s sleeping thoughts create such intense energy that sensitive beings are affected by the Great Old One’s presence without concentrated effort. Therefore, most social encounters
occur as the characters encounter those touched by Cthulhu in dreams or those attempting to wake the sleeping creature. Examples of some of these encounters are detailed here. Otherworldly Desires. One of the characters y
is revealed to be in possession of a fragment of knowledge Cthulhu greatly desires. How or why the character knows this is unknown, but it’s apparent they do not even realize they understand it. Each night the poor character is visited by Cthulhu in their dreams, where the Great Old One empathically demands the character hand over the fragment, growing increasingly aggravated the longer they fail to comply. This uncharacteristic behavior from the Great Old One causes its cult to reach out in a rare show of diplomacy, hoping to acquire the knowledge and appease their lord by less forceful means.
Signal Interference. When clerics attempt to y
contact their deities, they instead find themselves speaking with Cthulhu. This horrific turn of events has shattered the faith of many a believer, as religions across the realms struggle to cope with the deafening silence from their gods. When communicating with Cthulhu a strange, rhythmic chanting can be heard in an alien language that defies all comprehension. How this was accomplished remains a mystery, but one thing is clear: if this interference cannot be stopped, Cthulhu will be one step closer to overwhelming the world. The only clue lies in the strange language, which is believed to be used by a reclusive race of star spawn which broke from Cthulhu long ago and now lives in hiding.
The Necronomicon. A legendary book said to detail y
a ritual which can prematurely awaken Cthulhu is discovered in an ancient library. Known as the Necronomicon, this ancient tome is indecipherable except by those who have been visited by Cthulhu in dreams. The call goes out for any who have had the misfortune of such an experience, in the hopes they can provide some insight into the book’s contents. At the same time, the cult of Cthulhu is eager to acquire the book, which is slated to go up for auction within a month. The starting bid: 50,000 gp.
COMBAT Cthulhu has slept patiently for centuries, waiting for the precise cosmic moment to break free of its confinement. Cthulhu regards all other goals beyond freedom—even handling enemies attempting to slay it—as periphery concerns at best. Consequently, the being is supremely disdainful of its foes, often applying only minimum effort to route them. Survivors are common, and the Great Old One counts on its many devoted minions to mop up those “lucky” enough to escape with their lives. A battle with Cthulhu is as much a test of mental fortitude as it is physical. The Great Old One is anathema to both physical and conscious existence, blurring the lines between the two and warping the laws of the multiverse with overwhelming power.
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Combat Encounter Example: The Night Terror (Encounter Level 14)
Having stirred Cthulhu’s curiosity, the Great Old One elects to visit the dreams of the party in response to their actions against its cults and worshippers. During a long rest on a particularly dark and rainy evening, the characters are cast into strange dreams in a more elaborate incarnation of Cthulhu’s regional effects (detailed later in this chapter). They awaken inside a sealed tomb within the sunken city of R’lyeh, a dream reflection of the many graves imprisoning the sleepers therein. To wake from the nightmare, the party must escape the tomb before they succumb to Cthulhu’s power. Such an encounter includes the following elements.
Encounter Details
Wisdom Saving Throws. The terror of death stalks the characters. While experiencing this encounter, the party will be repeatedly asked to attempt Wisdom saving throws as the Great Old One assaults their minds. This strange effect is but a dream abstraction of the threat posed by Cthulhu, but for the duration of the encounter if a single character fails three or more of these Wisdom saving throws (regardless of when or how they occur), they immediately awaken with five levels of exhaustion. If an affected creature fails a death saving throw while within the dream, that failed saving throw counts toward the number of Wisdom saving throws that creature has failed. The First Room. The initial room in which the party finds themselves is a pitch-black, stone room adorned with bizarre
alien carvings of strange geometry that harms the mind. Any character who attempts to read or understand the glyphs must attempt a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the glyphs remain indecipherable, and no information can be gained. A character who succeeds on the check learns the following from the glyphs: This room is a tomb built for a great being referred to as y a “dreamer.”
The doors of the tomb will only open when “The y Master’s Call” is heard
Any other clues you would like to introduce to the party y about Cthulhu’s nature.
Exiting this room requires breaking through the walls. Each wall has an AC of 20 and 50 hit points. Each wall also has a glyph of warding cast as a 9th-level spell concealed in the plaster. If the glyph is not disabled, the first instance of damage a wall receives triggers the explosive runes effect. The Second Room. Breaking through any of the first rooms’ walls reveals the second room, which is a 100-square-foot cavern submerged in briny water, at the end of which is a passageway beyond. The moment a wall in the first room is reduced to 0 hit points, water starts filling up the first room. Before any of the characters can react, they must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
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saving throw as Cthulhu once again assaults their subconsciousness. The characters have 1 round to react before the first room is full of water. From this point on, the tomb is entirely underwater, with no air to be found. Entering the second room attracts four star spawns (see stat block later in this chapter) lurking in the water, which immediately move to attack. The Black Gates. The second room’s passageway is only large enough for Medium or smaller creatures to pass through, or larger creatures if they squeeze. At the end of the 30-foot passageway is another cavern sealed by a pair of gigantic black gates. Interacting with the gates captures Cthulhu’s attention, and the characters hear slithering whispers echo through their minds, forcing each to attempt a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a success, a character cannot understand what the whispers are saying. On a failure, a character understands the whispers: Small thing, you have stumbled into the eternal dream. Wake now. Wake now to serve. Open the gates. Open the gates. I wait. I hunger. Open the gates. Waking Up. After the whispers are heard, the nightmare ends. All characters who wake up from the dream gain a number of levels of exhaustion equal to the number of Wisdom saving throws they failed over the course of the dream.
Battlefield Classification: Artillery Cthulhu has no understanding of mercy or honor and only a passing comprehension of pain. In combat, the Great Old One inflicts catastrophic damage on both body and mind. There is no rhyme or reason to its battle strategy. Cthulhu simply acts according to its alien whims, which may seem completely illogical or foolhardy to rational observers. However, the Great Old One can afford to be inefficient in battle, with a host of deadly interactions to compensate for a less than stellar tactical mind. Its primary weapon is its tentacles, which ensure any creature ensnared in their grasp is vulnerable to its mental attacks. Use this interaction to ensure Cthulhu visits dreadful ruin on characters who feel being grappled by the Great Old One isn’t a big deal. Note that every saving throw Cthulhu forces is either Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma, so make a grappled creature a high-priority target. Particularly notable is the Shadow of Cthulhu feature. This strange trait allows Cthulhu to effectively occupy a huge area while simultaneously providing no advantages to its enemies. Movement within this space provokes attacks of opportunity from Cthulhu, and creatures within cannot have total cover from the Great Old One. This ability is abstract, so be sure to communicate to the players such an interaction is only possible thanks to the Great Old One’s ability to warp time and space. Cthulhu’s more powerful abilities are excellent heavy hitters. The appropriately titled Call of Cthulhu action can remove a troublesome characters from a fight and is particularly effective because it leaves the body behind. Note that a creature grappled by Cthulhu and affected by this feature cannot escape without help. Eldritch Storm is an extremely potent damage-dealing tool, especially if the characters are spread out or have brought allies. Use this action option if Cthulhu needs to deal some serious damage or needs to put the party on the defensive. Great Old
One’s influence is a versatile tool to help Cthulhu deal with troublesome effects or find a flexible solution to a unique problem it couldn’t solve otherwise. Keep spells like dimension door and dispel magic handy as backup options just in case things get dicey. Easier Tactics – For an easier fight with Cthulhu, favor its tentacle attacks against no more than a single foe at a time, allowing allies a chance to free their grappled comrades or at least keep them alive. Use Apocalypse Storm only once at the beginning of combat and choose less than ideal targets for the lightning strikes. Play up Cthulhu’s alien perspective on combat by having the Great Old One make inexplicable or strange combat decisions. Provoking attacks of opportunity, targeting enemies with good saving throws, and other tactical blunders are perfectly acceptable under the context of the incomprehensible logic behind Cthulhu’s mind. Only use Call of Cthulhu so that no more than one character is affected at a time. Harder Tactics – Use the terrific range of Shadow of Cthulhu to begin battle early. The more distance the characters must cover to reach the Great Old One, the better. All the while Cthulhu should be annihilating grappled characters, using Call of Cthulhu often. Any affected characters should be torn apart by Cthulhu while their minds are banished. Use Great Old One’s Influence via legendary actions to get in some powerful spells or remove nasty magical effects. Look for any mind blank spells on characters and be sure to remove them as quickly as possible. Apply Eldritch Storm when the party is at their worst. A few well-placed bolts on grappled targets can ensure multiple characters go down simultaneously.
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Mythic Cthulhu
While all of Cthulhu’s abilities improve in its Epic incarnation, the most significant change comes in the form of a special condition the Great Old One inflicts called existential dread. This disturbing condition allows the Great Old One to kill with the power of fear alone, adding several dangerous aspects to the encounter. Existential dread can come from several sources, notably the Aspect of Dread trait, and both of Cthulhu’s new mythic actions. Reality Fracture is a particularly dangerous action when paired with Cthulhu’s tentacles, allowing it to quickly pile on several levels of existential dread. If a character can remove levels of existential dread or cast spells that would otherwise negate the condition, Cthulhu focuses its abilities on that character. Whereas before Cthulhu needed to damage characters to death, now the Great Old One can simply stack levels of existential dread until a creature has a good chance of dying each turn. Use Flash of Lucidity to deal massive damage to creatures carrying levels of existential dread, adding injury to insult. If a character is proving extremely difficult to kill with damage, they make for a primary target for death by this new condition.
two levels of existential dread is frightened of Cthulhu, and if immune to damage dealt by Cthulhu instead has resistance to that damage. Abilities, effects, or spells that would remove existential dread instead reduce its level by one. All effects end if a creature’s existential dread level is reduced below one.
Existential Dread Table Level
You are frightened of Cthulhu
If you would be immune to damage dealt by Cthulhu, you instead have resistance to that damage.
When you have disadvantage on an attack roll, saving throw, or ability check, you instead have Epic disadvantage.
When you miss a weapon attack roll made with a weapon, you immediately drop the weapon.
Mythic Effects
You enter a state of panic, screaming and sobbing uncontrollably. You cannot verbally communicate or cast spells with verbal components.
House of Dead Dreams. While Cthulhu’s true form sleeps within R’lyeh, its influence and presence can be felt across the universe. While dreaming in this manner, Cthulhu can manifest a physical body composed of psionic energy, which is represented by its mythic statistics. While this body is manifested, its actions aid Cthulhu in slowly drifting closer to awakening. If such a physical form persists for a period of 7 years, Cthulhu fully awakens and utterly subjugates the plane upon which it resides, converting its inhabitants into deep ones and slaying those it cannot. This is a deific effect that cannot be prevented by any means other than the direct intervention of an overgod2. Once Cthulhu has annihilated a plane in this manner, it then appears on another plane and falls into slumber.
At the start of each of your turns, you must succeed on a DC 29 Wisdom saving throw or die of fright.
As a mythic creature, Cthulhu causes the following effects.
Terror from Beyond.3 The mounting psychic pressure created by Cthulhu’s presence inspires overwhelming fear in all creatures and is represented by a special condition called existential dread, which is measured in six levels. Existential dread cannot be removed by any means other than those presented in this feature. When a creature would regain 100 or more hit points from a single effect, it may instead prevent that healing and reduce its levels of existential dread by one for every 100 hit points it would have regained. If a creature would be immune to existential dread or the frightened condition, it loses that immunity and instead gains Epic advantage on saving throws against effects that would cause it to gain levels of existential dread or the frightened condition. A creature suffers the effect of its current level of existential dread as well as all lower levels. For example, a creature suffering 2 The details of deities and their divine ranks can be found in the 2CGaming supplement the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook. 3 Epic advantage and Epic disadvantage, two mechanics of the Epic Legacy system, are further explained in the 2CGaming supplement the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook.
Resources Cthulhu has no need for trifling physical matter. The Great Old One only considers relics4 to be objects deserving of its attention. R’lyeh seems to be the only physical space Cthulhu holds any real affinity for. The Great Old One perceives any desecration to this sacred site an irredeemable offense and takes great care to ensure the city is always fit for its purpose. How this is accomplished while Cthulhu sleeps is unknown, but the city has endured millennia of abuse while remaining as menacing as ever. Far more potent, however, are the many monstrous beings who have come to worship the Great Old One. These foul beings are often aberrations such as aboleths, but many far more dreadful beings dwell among their number.
ALLIES While Cthulhu sleeps, lesser beings work to prepare the way for the Great Old One’s awakening. The most common allies of Cthulhu are the humanoids who form cults dedicated to its worship. Cthulhu has influenced the psychically sensitive for thousands of years, and consequently, many cults thrive in secret all over the world. Cthulhu’s second source of allies comes from the aquatic aberrations dwelling in the darkest depths of the mortal realms. A race of amphibious aberrations known as the “deep ones” serve Cthulhu and frequently emerge from the oceans to aid its cults and proliferate terror. Finally, guarding the lost realm of R’lyeh are beings known as star spawn. 4 Relics are Epic artifacts detailed in the 2CGaming supplement the Epic Legacy Core Rulebook.
C t h u lh u • M a s t er o f R ' ly eh 10
Cthulhu Huge aberration (Great Old One), unaligned Armor Class 22 (natural armor) Hit Points 610 (47d12 + 305) Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover), swim 30 ft. STR 22 (+6)
DEX CON INT WIS CHA 6 (−2) 30 (+10) 21 (+5) 25 (+7) 29 (+9)
Saving Throws Str +14, Con +18, Int +13, Wis +15 Skills History +21, Insight +23, Perception +15 Damage Resistances acid, cold Damage Immunities psychic Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, stunned, unconscious Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 25 Languages telepathy 1 mile Challenge 28 (120,000 XP)
TRAITS Mythic Resistance. If Cthulhu fails a saving throw, it can expend one of its unspent legendary actions to succeed instead. Out of Touch. Cthulhu barely registers reality as we know it. If Cthulhu would take 15 or less damage from a single instance of damage, it instead takes no damage. Shadow of Cthulhu. Cthulhu’s true form is beyond petty laws of physics or mortal perception, casting a “dimensional shadow” in a 120-foot-radius sphere centered on it. Cthulhu is treated as though it occupies this space at all times, though it suffers no penalties nor provokes attacks of opportunity for sharing this space with other creatures, objects, and structures. Creatures in this affected area cannot have total cover from Cthulhu, nor can any barrier prevent them from being targeted or touched by Cthulhu. This effect is suppressed in areas of magical daylight. What Is Dead May Never Die. If Cthulhu is slain, its form vanishes and reappears in a state of deep slumber a century later on a plane chosen by the DM. This effect can only be prevented by divine intervention or a wish spell.
ACTIONS Multiattack. Cthulhu makes three Tentacle attacks. Tentacle. Melee Spell Attack: +17 to hit, reach 60 ft., one creature. Hit: 28 (3d12 + 9) bludgeoning damage and 19 (3d12) psychic damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 25). Until the grapple ends, the target cannot succeed on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throws. Call of Cthulhu. Cthulhu forces a creature it can see to attempt a DC 25 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, its mind is pulled into a horrific realm of Cthulhu’s own dreams. The body of an affected creature becomes incapacitated for the duration, while the mind of the creature wanders the nightmarish dreamscape of Cthulhu’s subconscious. At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect and returning to its body on a success. A creature whose mind remains in Cthulhu’s subconscious in this manner for 1
continuous minute becomes permanently trapped there, beyond the help of anything short of a wish spell or divine intervention. A creature that succeeds on a saving throw against this effect becomes immune to it for 1 year. Eldritch Storm (Recharge 5–6). Cthulhu conjures an otherworldly storm in a 60-foot-radius, 1-mile-high cylinder centered on a point it can see within 300 feet. Cthulhu must concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell) to maintain the effect. While the storm persists, the affected area is heavily obscured by otherworldly weather, and creatures other than Cthulhu in the affected area are deafened by its thunderous cacophony. Additionally, when the storm appears and as an action on each of its turns Cthulhu can choose to call down up to three bolts of eldritch lightning, each of which strike a space of its choice in the affected area. A creature in a space struck by a bolt of eldritch lightning must attempt a DC 25 Wisdom saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) necrotic damage and 35 (10d6) lightning damage on a failed saving throw, or half as much on a success. Great Old One’s Influence. Cthulhu demonstrates the otherworldly supremacy of a Great Old One, causing one of the following effects. • Cthulhu casts a warlock spell of 5th level or lower (spell save DC 25, +17 to hit with spell attacks) with a casting time of an action or bonus action, without the need for any components. If a spell cast in this manner would deal damage other than psychic damage, it instead deals psychic damage. If it would force an affected creature to make a saving throw other than an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, it instead makes an Intelligence saving throw. • Cthulhu ends a spell or magical effect of 8th level or lower within reach. • Cthulhu reads the surface thoughts of a creature within range of its telepathy that it is aware of, which lasts until the start of its next turn. While reading a creature’s thoughts, Cthulhu cannot have disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, or ability checks against that creature.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS Cthulhu can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Cthulhu regains spent legendary actions at the start of each of its turns. Tentacle. Cthulhu makes a Tentacle attack. Great Old One’s Influence (Costs 2 Actions). Cthulhu uses its Great Old One’s Influence action. All-Consuming Shadow (Costs 3 Actions). Until the end of its next turn, the radius of Cthulhu’s Shadow of Cthulhu trait is increased to 1 mile. Cthulhu then immediately makes a single Tentacle attack against each creature of its choice in the affected area. Call of Cthulhu (Costs 3 Actions). Cthulhu uses its Call of Cthulhu action.
C t h u lh u • M a s t er o f R ' ly eh 11
Mythic Cthulhu Huge mythic aberration (Great Old One), unaligned Armor Class 24 (natural armor) Hit Points 3,662 (225d12 + 2,200) Speed 30 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover), swim 30 ft.
grapple ends, the target cannot succeed on Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throws.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 24 (+7) 6 (−2) 30 (+10) 26 (+8) 25 (+7) 31 (+10) Saving Throws Str +18, Dex +9, Con +21, Int +19, Wis +15, Cha +21 Skills History +30, Insight +29, Perception +18 Damage Resistances acid, cold Damage Immunities psychic Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, stunned, unconscious Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 28 Languages telepathy 10 miles Challenge Mythic 8
TRAITS Aspect of Dread. When a creature starts its turn and has line of sight to Cthulhu or Cthulhu’s shadow via the Shadow of Cthulhu feature, it must succeed on a DC 29 Wisdom saving throw or gain a level of existential dread. Mythic Resistance. If Cthulhu fails a saving throw, it can expend one of its unspent legendary actions to succeed instead. Out of Touch. Cthulhu barely registers reality as we know it. If Cthulhu would take 25 or less damage from a single instance of damage, it instead takes no damage. Shadow of Cthulhu. Cthulhu’s true form is beyond petty laws of physics or mortal perception, casting a “dimensional shadow” in a 120-foot-radius sphere centered on it. Cthulhu is treated as though it occupies this space at all times, though it suffers no penalties nor provokes attacks of opportunity for sharing this space with other creatures, objects, and structures. Creatures in this affected area cannot have total cover from Cthulhu, nor can any barrier prevent them from being targeted or touched by Cthulhu. This effect is suppressed in areas of magical daylight. What Is Dead May Never Die. If Cthulhu is slain, its form vanishes and reappears in a state of deep slumber a century later on a plane chosen by the DM. This effect can only be prevented by a deific effect.
MYTHIC ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Cthulhu takes one of the following mythic actions. Cthulhu can use the same effect multiple times in a row. Flash of Lucidity. Cthulhu experiences a brief moment of lucidity, bringing its full might upon those who have caught its attention. Each creature that shares a plane of existence with Cthulhu takes 45 (10d8) psychic damage for each level of existential dread it has. Reality Fracture. Cthulhu stirs in its slumber, causing reality to fracture in the area of its Shadow of Cthulhu feature until the next initiative count of 20. When a creature in the affected area fails an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, it gains a level of existential dread.
ACTIONS Multiattack. Cthulhu makes three Tentacle attacks. Tentacle. Melee Spell Attack: +21 to hit, reach 60 ft., one creature. Hit: 42 (5d12 + 10) bludgeoning damage plus 32 (5d12) psychic damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 29). Until the
Call of Cthulhu. Cthulhu forces a creature it can see to attempt a DC 29 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, its mind is pulled into a horrific realm of Cthulhu’s own dreams. The body of an affected creature becomes incapacitated for the duration, while the mind of the creature wanders the nightmarish dreamscape of Cthulhu’s subconscious. At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect and returning to its body on a success. A creature whose mind remains in Cthulhu’s subconscious in this manner for 1 continuous minute becomes permanently trapped there, beyond the help of anything short of a deific effect. A creature that succeeds on a saving throw against this effect becomes immune to it for 1 year. Eldritch Storm (Recharge 5–6). Cthulhu conjures an otherworldly storm in a 60-foot-radius, 1-mile-high cylinder centered on a point it can see within 300 feet. Cthulhu must concentrate (as though concentrating on a spell) to maintain the effect. While the storm persists, the affected area is heavily obscured by otherworldly weather and creatures other than Cthulhu in the affected area are deafened by its thunderous cacophony. Additionally, when the storm appears and as an action on each of its turns Cthulhu can choose to call down up to ten bolts of eldritch lightning, each of which strike a space of its choice in the affected area. A creature in a space struck by a bolt of eldritch lightning must attempt a a DC 29 Wisdom saving throw, taking 45 (10d8) necrotic damage and 45 (10d8) lightning damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Great Old One’s Influence. Cthulhu demonstrates the otherworldly supremacy of a Great Old One, causing one of the following effects. • Cthulhu casts a non-Epic warlock spell (spell save DC 29, +21 to hit with spell attacks) with a casting time of an action or bonus action, without the need for any components. If a spell cast in this manner would deal damage other than psychic damage, it instead deals psychic damage. If it would force an affected creature to make a saving throw other than an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, it instead makes an Intelligence saving throw. • Cthulhu ends a spell or magical effect of tier 3 or lower within reach. • Cthulhu reads the surface thoughts of a creature within range of its telepathy feature that it is aware of, which lasts until the start of its next turn. While reading a creature’s thoughts, Cthulhu cannot have disadvantage or Epic disadvantage on attack rolls, saving throws, or ability checks against that creature.
LEGENDARY ACTIONS Cthulhu can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Cthulhu regains spent legendary actions at the start of each of its turns. Tentacle. Cthulhu makes a Tentacle attack. Great Old One’s Influence (Costs 2 Actions). Cthulhu uses its Great Old One’s Influence action. All-Consuming Shadow (Costs 3 Actions). Until the end of its next turn, the radius of Cthulhu’s Shadow of Cthulhu trait is increased to 1 mile. Cthulhu then immediately makes a single Tentacle attack against each creature of its choice in the affected area. Call of Cthulhu (Costs 3 Actions). Cthulhu uses its Call of Cthulhu action.
C t h u lh u • M a s t er o f R ' ly eh 12
Star spawn are tentacled aberrations who once served Cthulhu and other members of its species. When R’lyeh was pulled beneath the waves, the majority of star spawn perished since they were not protected by great Cthulhu’s sleep spell. However, a few managed to hide away among the sinking ruins and still guard the watery tombs waiting for Cthulhu to rise.
familiar with seafaring. You can create a standard Cthulhu Cult using standard cultist, cult fanatic, and priest stat blocks.
Cultists of Cthulhu. Evidence of Cthulhu worship y
stretches back alongside the origin stories of other traditional pantheons. Cults dedicated to the Great Old One can be found among all races and regions, though they are slightly more prevalent in cultures
Deep One Template Deep ones are twisted creatures infested with the essence of Cthulhu. Their skin becomes rubbery and fish-like, they sprout gills, and their minds are invariably twisted toward evil. Their eyes are bulbous like those of a fish, while their voices gurgle as if constantly choking on fluid. When a flesh-andblood creature becomes a deep one, it retains its statistics except as described here. A creature that is not composed of flesh and blood cannot become a deep one. Type. The creature’s type becomes aberration.
Hit Dice. The creature gains four additional Hit Dice and recalculates its hit point maximum using its new Hit Dice total. Ability Scores. The creature’s Strength and Charisma scores increases by 3, to a maximum of 22, and its Wisdom score decreases by 4, to a minimum of 2.
Damage Immunities. The creature becomes immune to acid damage.
Deep Ones. The amphibious creatures known as deep y
ones are the driving force behind the most significant efforts to awaken Cthulhu. Powerful cults of Cthulhu are likely to have at least one deep one leading or influencing their activities, even breeding with their members to produce deep one offspring. These corrupted creatures are a glimpse of the fate of all who oppose Cthulhu, for any creature of flesh and blood can be twisted by Great
Condition Immunities. The creature becomes immune to the grappled condition. Senses. The creature gains darkvision out to range of 120 feet and can see in magical darkness.
Languages. The creature can speak, read, and write Deep Speech. Challenge Rating. The creature’s challenge rating increases by 3 and its proficiency bonus increases to match its new challenge rating. Traits. The creature gains the following traits.
Amphibious. The creature can breathe both air and water. Additionally, the creature has a swimming speed equal to its walking speed or a walking speed equal to its swimming speed (whichever is greater).
Beneath the Waves. When completely submerged in a liquid, the creature has total cover against creatures that are not completely submerged in the same body of liquid.
Foul Mucus. The creature’s body is coated in an acidic mucus. When a creature that touches the deep one or hits it with a melee attack while within 5 feet of it takes 10 (3d6) acid damage.
Servant of Darkness. The creature must obey any commands given by Cthulhu or those who act in its name. The creature follows the commands to the best of its ability and can never willingly act in a manner that goes against the intentions of the creature giving the commands. C t h u lh u • M a s t er o f R ' ly eh 13
Old One into a deep one. A template is provided in this chapter so you can build unique deeps ones from whatever creatures proliferate your campaign, making for a particularly horrific fate for beloved characters and communities known to the party. Eyes of the Deep. Greatest among Cthulhu’s servants y
are the dread eyes of the deep. These strange, gigantic, floating heads are tentacled reflections of their dark master. Their faces are a mass of writhing arms, with two horrifically long, barbed appendages for grasping prey. At the center of the creature’s face lies a strange, eldritch eye whose profane power can turn those it beholds in deep ones with a glance. Its putrid green flesh perpetually glistening with seawater, an eye of the deep emerges from the darkest depths to bring corruption and ruin to all. Thankfully, these minions are blessedly rare, serving as an
elite guard to R’lyeh and Cthulhu’s minions, second only to the Great Old One itself. Star Spawn. A population of these aberrations guard y
R’lyeh, and would be considered Cthulhu’s “people” if the Great Old One ever cared to share any affection toward other beings. Their physical resemblance to Cthulhu is no coincidence. These horrors exist solely to exalt their lord and enact its unknowable will. This wretched existence ensures the star spawn are among the most loathsome creatures. Should any creature approach R’lyeh while submerged, these octopus-like beings emerge from the deep trenches surrounding the region to attack. Every so often, a group of deep ones request the aid of a star spawn and call it to the surface to assist with their schemes. If R’lyeh rises, the star spawn rise as well to protect Cthulhu’s tomb.
Eye of the Deep Huge aberration, unaligned Armor Class 23 (natural armor) Hit Points 637 (51d12 + 306) Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft. (hover), swim 40 ft. STR 28 (+9)
DEX CON INT WIS CHA 8 (−1) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 21 (+5) 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +14, Int +12, Wis +13 Skills Athletics +17, Perception +13, Religion +11 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Condition Immunities prone, stunned, unconscious Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 23 Languages Aquan, Deep Speech Challenge 25 (75,000 XP)
TRAITS Amphibious. The eye can breathe both air and water. Gaze of Cthulhu. At the start of each of its turns, the eye can choose to open or close its central eye. While its central eye is open, the creature projects a 120-foot cone of bright green light in a direction of its choice, which becomes the direction the eye faces. When the eye moves on its turn, it can choose to change the direction it faces, changing the orientation of the cone. Creatures illuminated by the light are forced to assume their true form. Additionally, a flesh-and-blood creature illuminated by the light that is reduced to 0 hit points or slain is instead reduced to 1 hit point and becomes incapacitated for 8 hours, during which time it does not need to eat, drink, or breathe. A creature so incapacitated begins a horrific transformation into a deep one (see the “Deep One Template” sidebar). A greater restoration or heal spell targeting the transforming creature halts the transformation, but once fully transformed, the creature can only be restored with the casting of wish or greater magic. Will of the Deep (1/Turn). When the eye fails an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma saving throw, Cthulhu can intervene and cause the eye to succeed instead. When the Great Old One does so, the eye takes 39 (6d12) psychic damage.
Multiattack. The eye chooses one of the following options: • The eye makes two Tentacle attacks. • The eye makes four Arm attacks. • The eye makes one Tentacle attack and two Arm attacks. Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 16 (2d6 + 9) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) acid damage. When the eye would make an Arm attack, it can instead choose to forgo that attack to cast dispel magic (spellcasting ability Wisdom), requiring no components. Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +17 to hit, reach 50 ft., one creature. Hit: 28 (3d12 + 9) bludgeoning damage plus 28 (8d6) acid damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 25). At the end of each of its turns, a creature grappled in this manner takes 28 (8d6) acid damage and the eye can choose to pull the target 30 feet toward it. Wave of Mutilation (Recharge 5–6). The eye emits a blast of sickly energy in a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on it. Each creature of its choice within the affected area must succeed on a DC 23 Constitution saving throw or be infected with a vile disease known as living rot. When a creature so infected would regain hit points, it instead regains no hit points and takes necrotic damage equal to the number of hit points it would have regained. Witness. The eye chooses a creature it can see to behold the dark horror of Cthulhu. The target must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw or have its mind sent to the Great Old One until the start of the eye’s next turn. A creature so affected cannot move or take actions as its consciousness beholds the cosmic, eldritch horror that is a Great Old One. When the creature’s mind returns, it is traumatized by the experience. It cannot gain advantage on attack rolls, saving throws, or ability checks, and it cannot speak by any means. This effect only ends when a creature forgets its memories of the experience.
C t h u lh u • M a s t er o f R ' ly eh 14
Star Spawn Large aberration, unaligned Armor Class 18 (natural armor) Hit Points 157 (15d10 + 75) Speed 30 ft., swim 60 ft. STR 19 (+4)
DEX 18 (+4)
CON 21 (+5)
INT 12 (+1)
WIS 22 (+6)
CHA 14 (+2)
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +10, Wis +10 Skills Athletics +8, Perception +8, Stealth +5 Damage Resistances acid, cold Damage Immunities psychic Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 18 Languages telepathy 120 ft. Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
TRAITS Amphibious. The star spawn can breathe air and water. Beneath the Waves. When completely submerged in a liquid, the star spawn has total cover against creatures that are not completely submerged in the same body of liquid. Disturbing Visage. When a creature that can see the star spawn starts its turn within 30 feet of the star spawn, the star spawn can force it to attempt a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes psychic damage equal to half its hit point maximum. Unless surprised, a creature can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If the creature does so, it can’t see and is frightened of the star spawn until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If the creature looks at the star spawn in the meantime, it must immediately attempt the saving throw.
ACTIONS Multiattack. The star spawn makes any combination of three attacks with its Tentacles or Beak. Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (4d10 + 4) piercing damage. Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 15) if it is a Large or smaller creature. Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained and takes 17 (3d8 + 4) damage at the start of each of the star spawn’s turns. The star spawn has eight tentacles, each of which can grapple one target. Psychic Shriek (Recharge 5–6). The star spawn emits a psychic scream in a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on it and shreds the minds of those who hear it. Creatures of the star spawn’s choice in the affected area must succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence saving throw or be stunned until the end of their next turn.
REWARDS Defeating Cthulhu ensures that the Great Old One continues to slumber for a century, an achievement that carries with it the inherent reward of saving the world. However, encountering
such a powerful being directly leaves an indefinite, eldritch scar which never fades. Characters who defeat Cthulhu are permanently tied to the sleeping Great Old One, who haunts their dreams long after its “death” as though they were always in the area produced by its regional effects. Having known defeat at mortal hands, Cthulhu offers such champions the chance to share in its power and the rare privilege of bargaining with a Great Old One. This connection allows the heroes to learn profound and terrible secrets. At their request, Cthulhu can grant a single gift to each of them, such as new spells, the ability to travel to the far realms of existence, or even far darker and mysterious powers. There are secrets mortal creatures were never meant to know and cannot be gained by any other means. What Cthulhu gains from this arrangement is unknown, but there is no doubt such gifts are not an act of charitable benevolence. An example of such a reward is detailed here, known as an eldritch grimoire. This vile tome mysteriously appears in the characters’ possession while they sleep, as if placed there by a doting parent.
Eldritch Grimoire Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement by a creature with a Spellcasting feature) An eldritch grimoire is a tome of profane power, bound in the slimy hide of a deep-sea creature and emblazoned with the symbols of Great Old Ones. While you are attuned to the grimoire, you can use it as a spellbook to prepare and record spells. Additionally, each grimoire comes inscribed with seven spells of a Great Old One’s choosing. While you hold the grimoire, you can read from the book to cast one of the spells using its casting time, without the need for any material components. A spell cast in this manner gains one of the following benefits of your choice. If concentration is required to maintain the spell, the grimoire maintains concentration on the spell instead of you. The grimoire’s concentration can only be broken if it is destroyed. If the spell forces one or more creatures to make a saving throw to resist its effects, the spell save DC for that spell is increased by 4 for the first saving throw each affected creature makes against the spell. If the spell requires that you make one or more spell attack rolls, those attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 18–20. If the spell has a casting time greater than an action, you may instead cast it as an action. Cursed. The grimoire is cursed. When you cast a spell from the book, the time until Cthulhu wakes from slumber again is reduced by 5 years.
C t h u lh u • M a s t er o f R ' ly eh 15